• To start the day rightly:

    1. Open a new file in your PC
    2. Name it "George W. Bush"
    3. Send it to the trash
    4. Empty the trash
    5. Your PC will ask you: "Do you really want to get rid of George W. Bush?"
    6. Answer calmly "Yes" pressing firmly on the mouse's button

    Doctors recommend that you not repeat the operation until you have waited six hours because there is a risk of addiction...

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  • World Press Photo of the year 2003 by French photographer Jean-Marc Bouju of the Associated Press shows a detained Iraqi man comforting his 4-year-old-son at a regroupment center for POW's near Najaf, Iraq. Picture was taken on 31 March, 2003. Jean-Marc Bouju/Associated Press REUTERS/Jean-Marc Bouju

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